Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thinkin' Sunshine

Ok. Living in the Northwest of the continental US is a bit daunting at times during the winter. Don't get me wrong, I like the rain at times -just not all the time- and I enjoy drab, gray, rainforesty days.......

but today I need to think SUN.
SUNSHINE. What reminds me of sunshine............

let see.....Yellow. More yellow.

Brilliant dewdrops reflecting, sparkling in the morning light.

All of that but most of all I think of sunflowers. Sunflowers to me are the reflection in nature of the sun. Perfectly symmetrical and a mirror image of mathematics......... check out sunflowers, Fibonacci numbers, and the "golden mean" -click here-

Watch the sunflowers

Sunflowers have been part of our myths and stories for centuries. These tall, graceful plants are well-known around the world:

Check out : Flower Stories by Lenore E. Mulets, Colonial Press, Boston, MA 1903.

The Sunflower: A tale from ancient Greece

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