Friday, January 08, 2010

Go Rotary!- Keep the land line!

Photo: Circa 1930. Real Antique. All parts are original -except for the cord going to the wall....which was re-wired in the 70's. (as in 1970's). 80 years and goin' strong!
Ok the other day had their list for what not to buy............and one of their ideas was of get rid of your home phone. I DO NOT AGREE!
A few months ago, I went on ebay and bought a rotary phone. It takes a few more seconds to dial, and in the mean time I can relax and realize that life is to be lived and absorbed and treasured...............
with a cellphone I feel like I'm tethered to everyone else's calendar. -I refuse to answer it if I'm indisposed, or if I'm talking with a real person. But there is that nagging cultural answer it the second it rings......
Take a a rotary phone. Many of them still work! Like this one. This one cost me $29.00. Not only is it a conversation piece.........people don't believe it works and want to play with it! They cost less than new fangled phones that die if you don't charge them .-I've had to replace my 'new' phone 2x. This last time I replaced it with the right antique.
My advice: Realize the importance of things that 'stay'-things that 'last.' Antiques are precious this way. They are around for the long haul. They were made during a time when people realized the importance of the items in their homes and only bought was absolutely necessary.
So go ROTARY people! -And get the real deal....the fakes are popular out there where you push buttons that are in a circle design. You want to make sure yours is the one where you put your finger in the hole to dial the number.
Another nice perk is that I have to hold on the line to get a real person to talk to. The phone robot must know this and links me to a place where I can talk to a human being. me the good ol' stuff. I like my rotary. It makes me feel like a movie star.
Goodbye for now.

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