Saturday, July 16, 2011


Ok, I have to admit it.  I have an addiction.  I am addicted to coffee.  Living in the coffee capital of the United States---Seattle, Washington where we are lucky to hit 70 degrees on a mid-July afternoon, coffee is a necessity right up there with food, water, and shelter.  I have it listed as its own separate budget line item!  LOL.

Coffee in the morning, coffee in the afternoon, and even coffee before coffee coffee!

Photo from How to make a Reusable Coffee Filter on

So, needless to say after my coffeemaker broke (the one with the cool reusable coffee filter) I started brewing single servings with a Melitta brewer and paper filters.  Just a couple days ago I decided to take the plunge and create my own reusable filter.  Wikihow  has some great directions on how to make your own coffee filter!  I did exactly what they suggested, but cut out my coffee filter from a muslin dishtowel.  I made sure I cut it a little big so that it curls nicely around the brewer and that the finished ends of the towel matched the top of the filter so that it has a finished look.  I also did it all by hand and it worked out great!

Rinsing out cloth coffee filters is extra easy!  Coffee doesn't stay on/in the fabric.  I dump as much as I can into a container for the garden and the rest just washes away!  Muslin is so light that I clip it to the pen holder on my fridge and it is dry in a few minutes!! 

And the COFFEE TASTES AMAZING!  I hadn't realized that it tasted like paper (doh!) and chemicals, until I tried it filtered through organic cotton! 

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