UPDATE! LOO WATT has a NEW website! Check it out!
Great job Virginia Gardinier! This industrial student designer has created LOO WATT a composting toliet that creates energy! Create energy from your poo! ROCK ON! Check out's video "The Bathroom Re-invented".
Great job Virginia Gardinier! This industrial student designer has created LOO WATT a composting toliet that creates energy! Create energy from your poo! ROCK ON! Check out's video "The Bathroom Re-invented".
Earlier this year I posted a entry on composting toliets. I had found loowatt----but it was under construction! NOW it is READY to GO!
The exterior of the toliet is made out of manure as well.........a composite!! I have my friend Teppei to thank for sharing this video with me! Thanks Teppei!
Betcha' didn't know that you can buy all of these toliets (with the notable exception of the Loo Watt) on! I wonder if they qualify for free shipping? Click on the image above for more details!
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