Betcha' didn't know that you can buy all of these toliets (with the notable exception of the Loo Watt) on! I wonder if they qualify for free shipping? Click on the image above for more details!

UPDATE! LOO WATT has a NEW website! Check it out!
Great job Virginia Gardinier! This industrial student designer has created LOO WATT a composting toliet that creates energy! Create energy from your poo! ROCK ON! Check out's video "The Bathroom Re-invented".
Great job Virginia Gardinier! This industrial student designer has created LOO WATT a composting toliet that creates energy! Create energy from your poo! ROCK ON! Check out's video "The Bathroom Re-invented".
Earlier this year I posted a entry on composting toliets. I had found loowatt----but it was under construction! NOW it is READY to GO!
The exterior of the toliet is made out of manure as well.........a composite!! I have my friend Teppei to thank for sharing this video with me! Thanks Teppei!
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