Friday, October 28, 2011

Oceans filling with Microplastics-Say NO! to Plastic! GO GREEN!~

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  DON'T BUY ANY MORE PLASTIC.  Plastic toys, plastic cars, plastic silverware, plastic clothes!  Stopping the flow of plastic is the MOST important STEP.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 

Recently the big news organizations are finally catching up with researchers regarding the dangers of acrylic fibers.  Synthetic fibers release what are called "microplastic." 

Photo by Maui Surfer Girls
 ". . . After testing this microplastic, they concluded that wastewater from home washing machines was the probable source, noting that more than 1,900 fibers can rinse off a single garment. They say this debris contains potentially harmful ingredients that fish can ingest and then transfer to people who eat them."1

Here is a link to the original article "Accumulation of Microplastic on Shorelines Worldwide:  Sources and Sinks" by M.A. Brown, P. Crump, S.J Nivens, E. Teuten, Andrew Tonkin, T. Galloway, and R. Thomson (Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011 45(21), pp. 9175-1975). 

The massive plastic soup AKA "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and the Japanese Tsunami  material sweeping across the Pacific are easy to see, but what about the itsy-bitsy tiny pieces of plastic?  Microorganisms are ingesting these microfibers as they would diatoms --just like the seabirds that feed plastic bits to their young, thinking that they are fish.  Plastic is so pliable, flexible, it looks and feels like food.

CHANGE doesn't happen overnight.  BUT CHANGE DOES HAPPEN.  It starts with ONE person making the change.  JUST SAY NO--To Plastic.

1. USA Today "Washing machines cause 'microplastic' pollution"

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