Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Skip to my loo! --Bathrooms with a mission!

Ok.  Everyone's got a do it.... right?  Water conservation is the perfect way for the average, everyday person to make a signifcant influence on the world around them.

Let's talk loos. 

Composting Toilets:  My personal favorite.  Check out my past blog post "The Power of Poo" on the benefits of having a composting toilet.  Trivia tip:  Which Central Illinois state park has had composting toilets in its visitor center since 1979 (this park has over 400,000 visitors each year)? (answer at the bottom of this blog post)

Rainwater Flushable Toliets!  Check out Urban Garden Studio Brooklyn and their project for Habana Works!  Check out their design here.

High-efficiency toilets (HETs): HETs not only conserve water, they save  you money!  Seattle Homeowners may be eligible to trade out their old toilet for a new HET Toilet. Check out this great article by Mother Earth News "Best Options for High-Efficiency Toilets" for more details.

Loo Watt:  You what?  You can make energy from poo!  Check out my past blog post "Loo Watt"

Recycle my loo! Toliets are normally made of out of plastic or ceramic.  Both substances are not recycleable.  However, stainless steel toliets are completely recycleable and they look cool!

Answer to the trivia question:  Which Central Illinois state park has composting toliets in its vistor's center?  The answer would be Wildlife Prairie State Park, located in Henry, Illinois (near Peoria, Illinois).

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