For those of you who missed it, the "other" Washington and their House of Representatives have been composting for 3 years. Well according to the Republican side of the isle it is costing too much money to ship compost over to a composting facility and they have decided to go back to using styrofoam instead.
Check out the
Washington Post Blog Post "
Styrofoam Cups Coming to a Capitol Near You"
Tell me, EXACTLY, what is so expensive? We need a way to reduce the amount of waste we produce. How does throwing more of it in a landfill make it less expensive?
COMPOST IT! (most plastic has a compostable alternative!
EVEN the HOT LIDS for COFFEE!) The waste becomes usable again and can be transferred to the community. It can even BE SOLD as COMPOST (granted it can't all be 'organic' at this time but it is a step in the right direction). Check out
Seattle's Cedar Grove Composting Facility. (Most of the compost available to consumers in this area is from Cedar Grove! You can even get them to deliver in BULK!)
So let me see if I've got this straight=== we keep stuff out of the landfill AND WE MAKE MONEY $$$ You would think this a no-brainer. What other choices do we have:
- toss it in a landfill (which we then have to maintain, test, and re-structure for at least 200-300 years(seems pretty darn pricey to me) ; and if stuff starts to leak we have major problems, don't forget that all landfills have to make sure they don't blow up because of rotting food creating methane gas.
- put it on a barge and let it travel back and forth looking for a home to foul (gas is currently around $4.00/gallon people!)
- Ship it even farther away and put other countries at risk. Check out my previous post just on the problem with e-waste.
COME ON D.C. RE-THINK this! GET A CLUE! COMPOST = $$$ & a cleaner, safer, environment for generations