For a fun and informative video: "Ratatouille-Your Friend the Rat"
First thing I did was to pour dirt into the hole in the wall! Then, as a temporary solution I covered the hole with a piece of wood and secured the wood with a very heavy rock. This is not a 'real' solution however! Rats, believe it or not, can squeeze through a space that is only 1/2 an inch wide/high. They are amazing contortionists and once they find food they (and their friends, neighbors, and offspring) will be back!
I plan on getting some cement and will fill the hole in the wall this weekend. The only real way to keep rats out of your garden is to make it less optimimal then other places.
1. Remove access to the space. (Fill holes, make it hard to get to).
2. Remove food sources (this includes fresh vegetable waste --no cucumber peelings or anything like that ...........don't dig this stuff into your urban garden.............put in the yard waste container.
3. Turn compost bins daily (if possible). This keeps things moving and shaking in the compost bin so that rats don't want to live there.
4. Keep an eye on your garden, watch it, come out at different times during the day (and night) to see what is happening. If you find other access points, eliminate them right away!
All urban gardens have rats (either Norway rats or Roof rats), it is just a question of whether they are a 'problem' or not. Rats become a problem when they find food in your garden, house, or other place the rat wishes to dwell.
Rats won't travel more than 300 feet away from their home den so by making sure that your garden does not have warm, dry, hidden places for them to live is one way to keep them out.
Tips on how to effectively and safely remove rats from your property
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