Friday, February 17, 2012

Growing Power! Aquaponics and Farmer-in-Chief Will Allen

Will Allen, Farmer-in Chief, Growing Power! Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Photo via

Compost This! wants to showcase an amazing community garden organization!
 Growing Power! and Farmer-In-Chief, Will Allen  are based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Like other community gardens around the country it provides gardening opportunities for the community.  What makes it special in my mind is the fact that in addition to teaching the skills of traditional soil-based agriculture, and greenhouse gardening, Growing Power! includes aquaponics!  In addition to raising fish for local community consumption, Growing Power!  uses the fish water to irrigate the growing beds in their greenhouse!!!  They offer tours and provide information for thousands of folks from around the country! posted a fantastic article about Growing Power!  "How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres

Check out this video about how he does it!

Here's to COMMUNITY GARDENS and a sustainable world!!