Thursday, May 21, 2015

Can I compost this?

Wilted lettuce...yes
Carrot and potato peelings.....yes
Shredded paper ...... yes
Orange peels.....yes

What about meat.....eggs.....cheese ?
It depends......does your city collect your compost?  It not it is best not to compost meat products.

You need really HOT compost to kill the bacteria and decompose these items. 

For more details on the city of Seattle,Washington.......check out this site.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Orikaso Memorial Project---Plastic Becomes Precious

Check out this great idea! 
transform plastic art from waste upcycle
Orikaso Memorial Project 

is an ongoing collaborative art project to collect over one million orikaso as a memorial for the 1,000,000 sea birds and 100,000 marine animals estimated to die each year from plastic ingestion. 

Learn how to create cranes out of non-recyclable plastic!  Participate in a collaborative art project!  Check it out!

If you would like to donate to this project check out the GoFundMe Fundraiser.

We can make a difference!

Thursday, February 05, 2015


Do you HATE junk mail? Me too.  Today a Redplum coupon mailer managed to find its way into my mailbox.  Has it really been five years?  It appears that every few years you need to tell the folks over at Redplum that you are really NOT interested in getting their mailers.  GO to THIS   website.
to remove your address from the list!
and check out these sources for more ideas!  
Stopping Unsolicited Mail by the Federal Trade Commission
and don't forget wikihow! "Get Rid of Junk Mail!"

Saturday, January 31, 2015

In Search of Solar.-Spray Paint/Plug it into the Window/Get off the Grid!

Seattle is the rainy city. With only 80 or so days of sun each year you would think that of all the places on earth this would be one of the last to have a way with solar power.  You couldn’t be more wrong.  Seattle has plenty of sun to create solar energy, and the city is working how to get citizens to go solar!  Check out the City of Seattle Community Solar Project.  Are you a home owner or do you own business property?  You can get in on the project and provide solar power for yourself and the city!

Community BannerWant some other ideas for going solar? 

Plug a solar panel into your wall!  Check out the article by Plugged Solar “Is itPossible to Plug Solar Panels into the Wall?”  According to the article, “When the entire solar kit system is plugged into the wall, it is connected and interacts seamlessly with the existing power grid. The PluggedSolar system will feed energy into your home electrical wiring. . . . When nobody is home and no appliances are running, the energy being produced by your solar panels but is not being used will be fed back into the power grid, spinning your meter BACKWARDS!” 
Plugged Solar

How about Solar Energy Spray Paint Believe it or not engineers at Nanoflex are working out the details on this product which would make it possible to create photovoltaic paint which would allow just about any surface to produce solar energy.
NanoFlex Logo

Window socket by Yanko Design
Window outlets  
Cling Bling Window Solar Charger

Solar Phone Charger - Sunflower 2500 mAh Phone Charger - Works with Any Charger - iPhone, Android, Smartphones

Sunflower 2500 mAh Phone Charger

Balcony Solar Panels: Check out this video about how to install a solar panel on an apartment balcony.  You will want to get permission from your apartment manager first.  

Friday, January 30, 2015

Say NO to Plastic. Say YES to Returnable Glass! FLYING COW Creamery! Fresh Breeze. Seattle

Plastic=LEAD Plastic=LEAD Plastic=LEAD

Say YES to returnable GLASS!

I am on the search for products produced in returnable glass containers!  Since I live in Seattle I will start here.  If you have glass products available where you are please leave a comment and I will post it.  Later I will be posting other cities and their options.

Seattle, Washington

YOGURT!!  The folks at Flying Cow Creamery focus their attention on making awesome yogurt and they only produce their product WHOLE MILK OLD FASHIONED YOGURT in glass, returnable containers!  Their yogurt is currently available at the Central Co-op!

Conventional Milk:  TwinBrook Creamery, Lynden, WA:  2%, 1%, Skim, Whole, Cream, Chocolate, Half-n-half, and EGG NOG (seasonal) .  Available at most Seattle-area QFC grocery stores.

ORGANIC Milk:  Fresh Breeze Organic Dairy, Lynden, WA: 2%, 1%, Skim, Whole, Cream, Chocolate, Half-n-half,  Available for sale at the following stores: Central Co-opBallard MarketEat Local.  See the Fresh Breeze website for more info on other locations!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thinking Spring! Seeds from Renee's Garden ideas

Just got my catalog from Renee Seeds and am having fun looking at all the new choices!  GARDENS GARDENS EVERYWHERE! is my motto.  I'm thinking of having yellow wax POLE beans and the little fire birds would make a great border and bring in the pollinators!  So exciting to think about SPRING SPRING SPRING!
Here are some links!

French Gold Filet (Organic)! 
Little Firebirds Nasturtiums ---These are great for containers and since my apartment garden is ALL ON CEMENT I am so looking forward to having them in my garden this year!

Seed Packet Front ImageSeed Packet Front Image