Get yourself a copy of this book:
The Safe Shoppers Bible, Here is just a very short list of the house
hold products that contain known irritants, CARCINOGENS and/or neurotoxins. (Carcinogens are chemicals that cause cancer. Neurotoxins are chemicals that adversely affect the nervous system reducing emotional well being, mental alertness, coordination and other functions associated with intelligence.)

Lysol disinfectant (all scents)
Renuzit Air Deodorizer
Bon Ami Foam Cleaner --wow. I thought this was safe. I'm not buying it again!
Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner
Formula 409
Pine-Sol Multi-Action Spray
Pledge Household Cleaner
Simple Green
Spic & Span Cleaner
Scotts Liquid Gold
Lemon Pledge
Tilex Soap Scum Remover
Glass Plus
Ajax Cleaner
Gillette Foamy Skin Conditioning
Speed Stick Deodorant
Soft Soap
Secret Deodorant
Johnson's Baby Shampoo--seriously! OMG!!
S.O.S. Ammonia Glass Cleaner
Dawn Sureshot
S.O.S. Vinegar Cleaner
Joy Dishwashing Liquid
Windex Glass Cleaner
Shout Aerosol & Stick
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid
Spray & Wash Stain Remover--DANGIT.
Kleen King Aluminum & Copper Cleaner
KR2 Spot Lifter
Behold Furniture Wax
Depend-o Blue Toilet Cleaner
3M Aerosol Spot Remover
Formby's Lemon & Almond Spray
Most Home & Garden Pesticides
Right Guard Deodorant
Ponds Dry Skin Bar
Palmolive Skin Bar
Lady Speed Stick
Lever 2000
Irish Spring Deodorant
Lifebouy Soap
Jergens Liquid Soap
English Leather Deodorant
Ban Roll-on
Caress Body Bar
Ultra Brite Toothpaste
Cepacol Mouthwash
Crest Tartar Control
Listerine Original & Cool Mint--Got this....hmmmmm......even my dentist recommended using it sparingly....last time I got my teeth cleaned.
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste--seriously! This is one that is supposed to be 'safer"
Colgate toothpaste
Scope Mouthwash
Old English Furniture Spray
Dove Soap Bars