OK. I have to say it, my sister gives me the most awesome ideas for my blog! Thank you Shan! So here is an awesome site on how to turn your window into a garden! http://www.windowfarms.org/ Check it out! Turn your 'trash' into garden space! Create beautiful gardens in your city apartment! I need to start salvaging my plastic bottles and start creating my garden right here!
Vegetables, Herbs, you name it you can grow it! No need for a balcony~! I've heard that growing one regular sized tree (you know relatively normal sized....not gargantuan) can remove 48 lbs of CO2 a year! Well heck! I want to have green space inside my home, enjoy clean air, provide a sanctuary for my weary self when I get off work, AND protect the planet from global warming. WOW! HERE IS ONE WAY!
Here is to protecting the planet!
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