It appears that there is a disconnect and some misunderstandings regarding the definition of real and/or raw FOOD. According to the Webster's online dictionary
FOOD is " a
: material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy."
"Artichokes & Raspberries" photo by COMPOST THIS! |
Unfortunately most of America's food is not "real." We seem to have an abundance, but in reality when you walk into a typical American grocery store, exactly how much food do you actually see? I'm not kidding, I'm serious. Walk down the aisles, how much food do you actually see (outside of the produce section)? Is there anything that exists outside the box, bag, or plastic container?
Real food is not processed into ultralight slices. Real food does not contain chemical preservatives. Real food does not come packaged in plastic or cardboard. Real food comes from FARMS, from organic vegetable beds, and windowsills (think alfalfa sprouts). Real food comes from your backyard chickens and goats. Real, wholesome food.
Where can I get "REAL MILK?"
Earlier this year I posted an article about raw milk. "Milk it! Go Raw!" It wasn't until l heard today's news about government officials (US government officials) forcing Americans to 'kill' their meal by drowning it in bleach "Citizens Forced to Pour Bleach on Feast" that I found out about another grievous error on part of officials. See
"Police Raid Organic Raw Milk Co-op with Guns Drawn"
I am a vegetable gardener, my sister raises urban chickens and I have friends who are beekeepers. Food is our source of life, and we must protect our right to determine what sustains us. The
Amish are weighing in on the issue too, they've been drinking raw milk for hundreds of years.
Instead of fighting the organic farms and regulating how we can eat our food....officials should be regulating how much 'un-food' is in our food. We should be forbidding corn syrup and other products that research has shown limit our bodies ability to digest fat, carbohydrates and protein. Such limitations encourage
obesity, diabetes, and
high blood pressure/heart disease, and may be linked to various
*Government officials take note, this particular blog post is designed specifically for you.*