Now this is something that I think should really be in all cities and towns around the world. We can create electricity by doing something that we do EVERYDAY. Something we HAVE to do! WE have TO WALK!
Check out how they are doing it in Tokyo: "Let's Generate Electricity by Walking" By harnessing energy we already have within us we can provide the energy we need to light our homes, heat our water, and of course run the Internet!
Or how about a knee brace that stores electricity to run a cellphone or an I-pod? That would be fun to take hiking---no more worrying about the battery dying. I just have to jog around awhile and "Whalla!" I can call home.
I like to say that kids are "Energizer Bunnies" (those of you old enough to remember the commericals (which you can see here) will remember........... "They keep going and going and going."

WOW! Imagine that!
Now if we can harness our own energy from walking, hiking, cycling, and driving cars, buses, and trains............and combine THAT with electric vehicles............The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades! (Oh dear, there is another 80s reference.....)
Until next time!
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