Friday, January 07, 2011


JOLT!: The Impending Dominance Of The Electric Car And Why America Must Take ChargeBuild Your Own Electric VehicleOwning an Electric Car 2010 Edition: Find the Truth About Using Electric Cars Including Range, Charging, Batteries, Environmental Impact and Everyday Use of Plug in Cars

Did you know that the FIRST electric car was invented before the turn of the last century?  (in 1899!)
Zero-Emission Vehicle List

I've wanted an electric car since I learned how to drive. In fact, I waited to get my first car until I was 25 ---hoping that there would be an electric one on the market.

The Nissan Volt is getting a lot of news these days, and the BMW mini has an electric version due out
Check out the Seattle Times article: Nissan Takes Seattle for a Test Drive in its Electric Car

UPDATE!  Electric cars are going to be the norm in the next decade!  Check out the wikipedia for a full list of currently available and pre-production vecicles: Wiki-electric car list.

It's not just cars:  Buses, trucks, trains, and planes can all go elecric: Check out the Electric Vehicle List

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