Bringing back the ol' days. YES we are bringing back agriculture. Right into the middle of the city! I couldn't find a website that listed all of the urban farms in the metropolisis of the USA so I started my own list! If you have farms you would like to add please comment! I'll add them in! Please note these are a little different than community gardens.......urban farms are living, viable, sometimes profit, mostly not-for-profit businesses. Some of them are located in lower income areas and provide training, education, and employment (not to mention fresh, organic produce!).
Here is a list of urban farms that I could find so far:
Urban Farming.Org --watch a video-- Gardening with Ellen!
Northwest --Washington/Oregon
Amaranth Urban Farm --Right in the center of Seattle:
Boston, MA
Revision Urban Farm
New York City
City Farmer News: Let's put a farm in New York City! Hell Yeah!
Washington, DC
Urban Agriculture list from the Department of Agriculture
Common Good City Farm
The West
Denver's got an urban farm!
The Urban Farm at Stapleton
The Southwest Desert has urban farms? Yes indeed!
Arizona/New Mexico
Phoenix, Arizona!
Albuquerque, New Mexio
Rio Grande Farm
GO DETROIT! Detroit has several urban farms popping up all over the place:
Urban Farm online
Hantz Farms Detroit
Earthworks Urban Farm
Gotta love Chicago:
Growing Power -Chicago
City Farm
St. Louis, MO
New Roots Urban Farm
The South
Urban Farms Thrive among the manisions in Texas
The Last Organic Outpost
Earth n Us Urban Farm
Metro Urban Farm
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