Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Go Light Rail! Sustainable Transportation!

Ok. So I was talking to my friend at the coffee shop about Seattle’s rail to the airport. He used to live in New York and I used to live in Seoul, South Korea where subway trains are like ….well, in his words “like having running water.” I am so excited to get to ride the rail all the way to the airport from downtown! How exciting! Not only does it cut down on my cost –a shared van costs 25.00 each way. The train is $2.75 each way. It is faster, cleaner, and more fun to ride than a bus. I don’t have to climb into the subway, I just walk on with my luggage in tow. Rock on Seattle. Now if we could get this over the water to the eastside and up to the U district!
Want more info: Check out Sound Transit's Light Rail website.

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