Ok. I just had to list this on my blog. Exactly how many crickets does it take to produce a 20 pound bag of cricket poo? I don't know but these folks do, check out the Cricketpoo website.
Touted as being organic and 'really good' for gardens, this may be the next new thing! For those entomologists and fisherpeople out there the green revolution may increase the need for cricketpoo. Why let this stuff go to waste for goodness sake.
FYI: Insect poo has a scientific name---it is called frass. So if you really want to impress your friends, neighboors, family, and all those folks you meet on the bus or on the street... you can say you fertilize your garden with cricket frass! Frass has an ability to last a lot longer than one might think. Check out this article from the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, "Finding Insect Frass in Baltic Amber" and Microlab Northwest Photography has a few lovely shots of the stuff.
FYI: Insect poo has a scientific name---it is called frass. So if you really want to impress your friends, neighboors, family, and all those folks you meet on the bus or on the street... you can say you fertilize your garden with cricket frass! Frass has an ability to last a lot longer than one might think. Check out this article from the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, "Finding Insect Frass in Baltic Amber" and Microlab Northwest Photography has a few lovely shots of the stuff.
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